
UNIX C Shell(csh)에 대한 일반적인 정보를 저장한다.


C Shell 기본

  • Last update : 1998.03.05 - 1998.12.14

  • 자료 입력

 set VAR = $<
  • cut -d경계기호 -f1,3-4 file

  • awk 'BEGIN {} {} END {~}' file

 awk -F[분리기호](분리기호.md) -f File file
 NR : 레코드 번호
  • 환경변수가 있는지 검사

 if ($?GROUP == 0) then
     set     GROUP="init"
     setenv  GROUP "init"

C Shell의 유용한 특징

  Filename Completion        : ESC, ^D, ~[user](user.md)
  Command Aliasing           : alias  lm 'ls  -l  \!*  |  more'
  History Substitution       :
     !!, !n, !-n, !?str? additional, !{command} additional,
     ^prev^replace^, !:s/prev/replace/, !6:s/prev/replace/
  Job Control                :
     CTRL-z, bg, fg, kill, stop,
     % = %+ = %%, %-, %j, %?string
  I/O Redirection            : <, <, >!, >&, >&!, >>, >>&, >>!, >>&!
  Variable Substitution      : $var = ${var}
     $var, $var[index-index], $#name, $0, $n = $argv[n], $* = $argv[*](*.md),
     $?var, $?0, $$, $<, $#argv, $status
  Filename Substitutions     : *, ?, [ ... ], { str, str, ...  }, ~[user](user.md)
  Expressions and Operators  :
     (...), ~, !, *, /, %, +, -, <<, >>, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, =~, !~,
     &, ^, |, &&, ||, -r filename, -w filename, -x filename, -e filename,
     -o filename, -z filename, -f filename, -d filename, {command}
  Predefined Shell Variables :
     argv, cdpath, cwd, echo, fignore, filec, hardpaths, histchars, history,
     home, ignoreeof, mail, nobeep, noclobber, noglob, nonomatch, notify,
     path, prompt, savehist, shell, status, time, verbose
  Built-in Commands          :
     :, alias [name [def]](def].md), unalias pattern, kill -l,
     limit [-h] [resource [max-use]](max-use].md), continue, break,
     cd [dir], chdir [dir], dirs [-l], echo [-n](-n.md) list,
     eval argument..., exec command, exit [(expr)]((expr).md), glob wordlist,
     goto label, hashstat, history [-hr] [n],  login [-p](username|), logout,
     bg [%job ...], fg [%job], jobs[-l], kill [-sig] [pid] [%job] ..., %[job] [&](&.md),
     stop %jobid ..., stop pid ..., suspend,
     nice [+n|-n] [command], nohup [command], notify [%job] ..., onintr [label](-|),
     pushd [+n|dir], popd [+n](+n.md), rehash, repeat count command,
     set [var[=value]], set var[n]=word, setenv [VAR [word]], shift [variable](variable.md),
     source [-h] name, time [command], umask [value](value.md),
     unhash, unlimit [-h] [resource](resource.md), unset pattern, unsetenv variable, wait,
     @[var=expr], @[var[n]=expr](n]=expr.md)
   foreach var (wordlist)               while (expr)
      ...                                  ...
      continue;                            break;
   end                                  end
   if (expr) then                       switch (string)
      ...                                  case label:
   else if (expr2) then                       ...
      ...                                     breaksw
   else                                    default:
      ...                                     ...
   endif                                      breaksw
  • 수치계산 : expr 계산식


C Shell의 실행시 처리 순서

  1. Login shell : /etc/.login, ~/.cshrc, ~/.login, (.history,) ~/.logout

  2. 일반적 shell : ~/.cshrc


C Shell의 Options

  -b :
  -c : Execute the first argument
  -s : Take commands from the standard input.
  -t : Read and execute a single command line.
  -e :
  -f : Fast start (.cshrc, .login을 수행하지 않는다.)
  -i :
  -n : Parse (interpret), but do not execute commands.
  -v :
  -V :
  -x :
  -X :


 #ident  "@(#)login.csh  1.6     93/09/15 SMI"
 if (! -e .hushlogin ) then
         /bin/cat -s /etc/motd
         /bin/mail -E
         switch ( $status )
         case 0:
                 echo "You have new mail."
         case 2:
                 echo "You have mail."


 # @(#)local.login 1.3     93/09/15 SMI
 setenv    TERM      vt100
 setenv    EDITOR    vi
 setenv    LANG      ko
 loadkeys  korea_5
 umask     000
 stty      erase     ^?


 # @(#)cshrc 1.11 89/11/29 SMI
 set       path=(. /opt/cobol/bin /usr/bin /usr/openwin/lib /lib $HOME/bin)
 set       path=($path $IEAPHOME/bin $IEAPHOME/startup)
 set       cdpath=(/home3/skci)
 set       prompt="[`hostname`:`pwd`](`hostname`:`pwd`.md)"
 set       history=32
 setenv    IEAPHOME            /homeb/ieap10
 setenv    LD_LIBRARY_PATH     /opt/cobol/coblib:/usr/ccs/lib:/usr/lib
 alias     cd        'cd \!*; set prompt="[`hostname`:`pwd`](`hostname`:`pwd`.md)"'
 alias     cp        cp -i
 alias     dir       '/bin/ls -alF \!* | more'
 alias     dird      '/bin/ls -alF \!* | grep / | more'
 alias     ff        'find . -name \!*\* -print'
 alias     h         history
 alias     ls        ls -F
 alias     mv        mv -i
 alias     rm        rm -i
 alias     sql       'cd ~/sql;sqlplus apps/apps @sqlplus.sql'
 alias     we        'vi -c "source ~/vt220.key" \!*'


 set cdpath=(~ /home3/skci ~/bin /app/applmgr/10.7/common /home5/SPIS);clear
 cd sql;sqlplus apps/apps @init-pnus.sql
 netstat -s | more


 echo ' '
 echo ' '
 echo '                           <<< Logout time >>>'
 echo ' '
 echo "               `date`"
 echo ' '
 echo ' '

참고 문헌


분류: 프로그램_언어 

최종 수정일: 2024-09-30 12:26:18

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